Monday, October 29, 2012

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"What do you want me to do for you?"

Those simple words are running through my mind over and over today.  They were in the Gospel reading from this week, and I can't get them out of my mind.

Seems there was this blind guy, Bartimeaus, who was Timeaus's kid, who was begging.  He heard that Jesus was passing down that road, and he got all riled up and started yelling and carrying on, crying out for the Savior.  Jesus called for him.

Okay, I have to interrupt the story right there for a minute.  I already love this guy.  Bartimeaus was creating a major ruckus because he KNEW who Jesus was.  I know who Jesus is.  Do I bother to create a ruckus?  No, because it wouldn't LOOK proper.  Fortunately, Bartimaeus is also blind to the reactions of those around him.  As a blind beggar, he has probably stopped caring what he looks like to others. He wants what Jesus has! He wants to see, and believes that Jesus can make that happen!  I'd love to be just a little more like Bartimaeus.

Not to mention, I'd probably wet my pants if Jesus called me over. I'd be all "Never mind...I'm not go on, Jesus...go raise that little girl, and fix Peter's mother-in-law..."  Not Brave Bartimaeus!  He dropped all his gear and took off in the direction of his hope. And Jesus asked him the question he's been asking me all day.

"What do you want me to do for you?"

Truth is, I don't know.  I don't know what I would ask Jesus to do for me.  It's not like seeing Santa, and asking for a bike, or an iPod or a Red Rider BB Gun.  What would I ask Jesus to do for me? You may think I'd want him to take away my heart problems, but with the right medicines, I can manage okay.  I'd ask him to protect my children, maybe, but not protect them so much that they never need him.  My mind has been running circles on this one all day. I don't like the answers coming to the forefront.  Especially since I already know what he did.

"Die for me."

Love me enough to die for me, that's all. Take my place.  That's what I want you to do for me, Jesus, and I have no right to ask it, but will you take my punishment for me?  Will you bear my cross?  Will you love me enough to take my buffets and spitting?  Will you love me enough to hang on the cross for me? I could never ask him that.  Not to his face. I can thank him for it, but I don't think I could ask it. Even though he already said yes to exactly that!  

"What do you want me to do for you?"

Let it race around your thoughts for a while.  What would you ask for?  What is he asking YOU for?



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