Saturday, October 24, 2015

8 minutes

I need Jesus.

This is a pretty obvious statement.  Those of you who know me, know this to be true.  My life gets busy and crazy and I get soooooo distracted. Life is kinda busy right now.

So, here's what's up.

Jordan will deploy to Afghanistan this week.  He'll be gone for 3 months.  A mother worries.  I also know how hard this is on Misty and the kids, so I'm concerned for them.  I love them, and they're all the way in New York, so I can't just drive over and pick up the kids for the weekend, or have Misty drop them off for a few hours so she can get a break.  Spencer is in transition between active duty and National Guard.  He and Melanie are growing my grandson, and moving to Texas. Very exciting, and on my mind.  I hope so many good things for them.  Isaac is working and going to school.  He lives at my house, yet I rarely see him awake and without a screen in the room.  I miss him.  I want wonderful things for him.  I have no idea what he thinks about.  Lydia is a senior.  Very soon she will be a legal adult.  Have I taught her all she needs to know?  Have I equipped her for a life beyond my home?  (Needing Jesus just a little more at this thought.)  Harriett will be taking her driving test this week, since she just turned 16.  Dear Lord, another child driving.  More prayers.  Simon is getting so grown.  Am I giving him enough attention?  Does he have all he needs from me?  What about Sylvia? She's not such a little girl any more.  We need to go shopping.  She needs some longer pants for her very long legs. I feel like Luke lives in another continent sometimes, as we divide and conquer our life together.  I need to write some of the stories in my mind.  I need to prepare for my class.  I need to sleep.  I      Neeed     Jeeeeeeessssuuuuuuussssssss!!!!

So, I did what every good Catholic does.  I went to see Jesus, and spent some quality time with Him.  It's called Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and it is LITERALLY being in the same room as Jesus in his body and blood, soul and divinity.  I needed this time to regroup and renew.  I needed my Holy Hour of Jesus time.  I signed in and walked into the chapel.

There He was.


I did a mental version of what I call a "verbal vomit", except it was supposed to be a prayer.  I couldn't shut up.  I wanted to listen, but I just couldn't shut up!  So I let it out.  Then I smiled at Him.
Then I got up to leave.

As I signed out, I noticed that I had been there for 8 minutes. Eight. Minutes.

Shortest Holy Hour EVER!  I still need Jesus.  LOTS more Jesus.  

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