What a crazy roller coaster of a day! I started off so sleepy I could hardly move. (Someone stayed up too late last night, BLOGGING!) Then I woke up and felt lucky. You know those days when you feel like,"Hey this could be a great day... at least it has potential!"
So I got ready and went to work. (Cue the ominous and foreboding music.)
Within ten minutes of being at school, we had the five-year-old equivalent of a B&E, and a possible kidnapping. Okay, it wasn't quite like that. Someone swiped someone else's item out of their locker. I made them give it back. He said sorry. No "kids" were actually "kidnapped". One of the little cherubs climbed completely inside his locker, and another kid shut the door on him so he couldn't get out. The door shutter was from my class, and no one in our class wanted to take responsibility for their actions today. DO WE EVER?
This was not my best day of school. I actually cried at one point. I just want to help them learn so they can work towards making their dreams come true. Unless their dream includes blowing bubbles in their chocolate milk on the table I'm about to clean...again. The words, "I don't want to" and "I not gonna do it" were worn out today. By the time I left work, so was I.
So, I look for the lesson. Am I swiping someone else's things? No. Am I climbing into my figurative locker? No. Shutting anyone in? Don't think so. Hmm.
So I come home to wait for the Honey Dipper to arrive. "Honey Dipper" is the nice word for Septic Removal Truck. It's a sewer sucker that pumps the poo. I was told to expect them between 2 and 4, which eats up the whole afternoon. On the way home from school, I'm thinking, "This day could use a Honey Dipper! I'd like someone to take away all this...er...septic waste."
I get home, and the sewer has already been sucked! They're already done! No waiting! No muss, no fuss!
I pick up Isaac for an NCYC Reunion Dinner with Bishop Bradley. He wants to know all about the trip. What did we learn, what did we see? What workshops did we attend? Did we make friends? Etc. It was wonderful to see everyone again, and to see the bishop so excited to hear their stories.
Just before the bishop left, I had a surge of courage. I asked the bishop for his blessing on me and my health, and more specifically on the new WomenHeart support group and the ladies it will serve. He asked a blessing on all of them and all of it, and all the people involved.
It's just like when I got home from school. I feel like a freshly dipped sewer! I feel like someone took truck #84 and turned on the vacuum and sucked out the doubt and fear and uncertainty. The bishop asked God's blessing over me. He asked a blessing on my ministry with women living with heart disease. I am so excited and clean! I feel like we got the stamp of approval on it.
It may not have started out so great, but the ending of this day was worth it, Big Time!!!
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